The Great American Experiment at What Makes America Great

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The Great American Experiment

The Great American Experiment

There is a tremendous reverence and respect for the founding fathers of America in our country. These brave and brilliant men forged a constitution and made a reality a new nation that was more than just another new country. It was and is a country the likes of which has never been seen on earth before.

But what is not commonly known is that those very same founding fathers viewed this new society and the government they put in place to protect it as a great experiment. And it was an experiment that even the founding fathers did not know for sure would actually work.

So much of how America is set up as a society from the federal government to the powers of the state to the rights and powers of the citizens was very new when America was first starting out. Nothing like it had ever been done in any of the societies from which our founding fathers emerged. This thing called “The Great American Experiment” consisted of some core values that we now consider to be the normal things of the society in which we live including…

* The reach of the government will be kept away from the religious life of its citizens..

* That the rights of the individual are paramount even over the rights of the government. Those rights they came down from God, not from man.

* The founding principles of the society were not just based on man’s philosophy but on the natural law of nature and of God.

* Government must be constructed to keep human leaders from abusing their power. This is done through a carefully set up system in which no one section of the government can get too powerful.

* The ultimate “bosses” of government and of society are the American people themselves. If government officials ever go against the will of the citizens, they should be removed and replaced with representatives who know how to follow the will of the people.

These ideas that sound basic to us but were nothing short of revolutionary at the time our country was founded. But as we look back, we can see that in the minds of our founding fathers was a concept so above and beyond any other former government before it that it was certain to create a virtual utopia compared to the social systems of its time.

To be sure, there have been struggles as the American experiment slowly became the great country that we know it to be today. There were a lot of changes that had to happen. Slavery had to go away and we had to recognize the rights of everybody to vote, to work side by side and live in equality. But through it all the concept of power residing with the people has endured and prospered to the point that few in America can imagine it any other way.

Over our history, the American system of social order and government has been challenged by opposing systems of thought. Communism was more than just a dread enemy to be fought overseas. There was a real movement here in America to get that system of government in place here. But, as always, the wisdom of the people prevailed and democracy won out over a totalitarian system that would remove rights from the individual and give them to the state.

Even within our government from time to time we see movements to take power away from people. The system of fifty autonomous but unified states adds another layer to an already brilliantly designed system of keeping the federal government in a servant’s role and keeping the power where it belongs, with the people. So we can expect that we will see more movements come and go that go against the founding principles of the great American experiment.

But we have good reason to feel confident that because the American people have solemnly and seriously kept America on track with the vision of the founding fathers for over two hundred years, their wisdom will prevail again and again. The American experiment will continue to show itself not to be an experiment any longer but a beacon of democracy to shine around the world.

About The Author:

Peter Dobler is a veteran in the IT business. His passion for experimenting with new internet marketing strategies leads him to explore new niche markets.
Read more about his experience with living in America; visit


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