The Heart Of American Charity at What Makes America Great

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The Heart Of American Charity

The Heart of American Charity

There is something very unique about the heart of what it is to be an American that results in Americans being the most charitable people in the world. That is not just a generous exaggeration. Documented studies have shown conclusively that Americans give far more to charity and to help out their fellow man in times of trouble than any other private citizenry in the world. Just consider these statistics.

* When the tragic tsunami hit Asia and devastated so many countries, American private citizens gave 1. 78 billion dollars in relief above and beyond what the U. S. Government gave to help bring relief to the suffering. This size of donation just on the private sector side dwarfed even the best of what other developed nations could contribute.

* Only a few months later when a terrible earthquake devastated Pakistan, American rallied again giving 78 million dollars to aid the suffering there.

* When hurricane Katrina and Rita devastated the US coast states, Americans from all over the nation responded with 3. 12 billion dollars and relief efforts are still underway to reach out to those displaced by that terrible storm.

These are just a few of the hundreds of examples of charity that Americans give willingly every year whenever the need is great. Americans donate an estimated one quarter of a trillion dollars to charities such as the American Red Cross, The Salvation Army and The American Cancer Society. And the amount that Americans give through their places of worship exceeds the gross national product of all but the most prosperous of nations.

These figures stand in direct contrast to the idea that Americans are selfish and spoiled as some would like to maintain. But the reasons for how deeply the belief in giving to others in need is engrained in the American psyche are diverse and an important part of the American dream and how this country came to be.

Part of the reason lies in the immigrant heritage that is what virtually everybody who makes up this great country can call their linage. That is because when we all go back to our roots, we all started out with a dream and this great country to grow that dream in. And all along the way, we helped each other. So we have a generational debt to pay back to all who pitched in and helped our ancestors establish this great country.

But it’s more than that. Our zeal to help others doesn’t stop at our shores. Americans give more than any other nation to help out others in need around the world. Our instinct to give is stronger than even our national politics as we will give generously even if an enemy of America is hurt by storm or disease. When it comes to helping out our fellow man, we put aside national animosities and reach out. That is a people who have that kind of deep empathy for others. That is what it means to be “an American”.

That empathy for people of all races and colors, nationalities and countries of origin is very natural for Americans to feel. We are a people made up of the immigrants from all lands. And so when we reach out and aid others who are suffering, we all feel like we are touching our own family that way. That is the heart of what makes American charity so amazing and so generous.

And even if the countries we reach out to don’t always appreciate what we do, Americans will always be a people who will not sit by and let others suffer. We have that deeply held national conviction that we are all going to get through this life together. And that is just another in the many reasons why America is the greatest country in the world.

About The Author:

Peter Dobler is a veteran in the IT business. His passion for experimenting with new internet marketing strategies leads him to explore new niche markets.
Read more about his experience with living in America; visit


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